Thursday, August 11, 2016


My Goal: Sentence Structures Use simple and compound sentences with a variety of
We use water for lots of different things, to drink, wash the dishes, water the garden and more. Water is very limited at some places like farms. When you live in the country there is a tank of water that is limited, they need to save water for when they actually need it. They can save it by not running the tap when they brush their teeth, Having short showers instead of taking a bath. Dehydrated If you don’t drink enough water you can get dehydrated which can lead to you getting really grumpy and tired. There are a variety of effects that come off dehydration, your blood can thicken and causing a battle for blood flow, it can also effect your organs which can lead to kidney stones. Dehydration usually is caused when you don’t drink enough water, you should have 8-9 cups of water a day. The average human body should be 75% water. Irrigation Firstly, what is irrigation, irrigation is a way of supplying water to plants or crops. The irrigation system is basically a giant sprinkler that sprays water or fertilizer on crops. Irrigation systems water a bigger area than a regular sprinkler. An irrigator spreads water evenly over the crops so they grow, so we have food to eat.

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