Thursday, February 18, 2016


Fantails are a wonderful bird to be around. If you are in the bush and it comes up to you it means fantails think people are harmless characters. In fact that is a true fact about the bird it does actually think humans are a harmless character. Read more about fantails here. “Fantail” in Maori is Piwakawaka incase you see it in my story and wonder what it means.

A Fantail/Piwakawaka lives in multiple places, for an example in public gardens and native park reserves. The Piwakawaka lives in New Zealand and it is very common here in nz and also offshore islands. They are such a beautiful bird and it is known for its fan shaped tail that is how fantails got its name ”Fantail.”They are brown and have a black and white tail feathers that open like a fan when they fly. The reason why they have a fan shaped tail it is because it then allows them to do aerial acrobatics.

It uses it’s broad tail to change direction quickly while it hunts for food in the forest.
sometimes the fantail will hop under the leaf to get insects for its prey, it’s prey includes moths, flies, spiders, wasps and beetles also fruit maybe even more. They seldom feed off of the ground. (Seldom-Occasionally)

Both adult female and male fantails incubate their eggs for up to 14 days at the most and the chicks fledge at about 13 days. A female can lay 2-5 eggs per clutch and juvenile males can breed between 2-9 months old. Juvenile meaning like junior or young. And clutch is when baby fantails grow fast. Both female and male can feed the chicks the male could go out to find more food while the female feeds or maybe even  other way around.

The Piwakawaka lifespan is quite short in New Zealand the longest fantail ever lived in New Zealand was recorded for 3 years and in Australia it was about 10 years that is a really long time for a small bird like a fantail. The scientific name for a fantail is Rhipidura Fuliginosa. They stay in pairs for a while and then go off on their own for the rest of their life. Females can lay as many as 5 clutches per session, each clutch has 2-5 eggs per clutch.

Cats, Rats, Stoats, Mynas and more are the biggest threats to fantails Mynas are probably the biggest threats because they are one of the biggest enemies to a fantail.  Mynas are also a threat to any other small native birds. Rats can stretch to fantails nests to eat their eggs as rats can eat anything in the world even wood.

Conclusion so please go outside in the outdoors and admire the fantails and other native birds, but don’t do anything to harm them and also if you see any pests that hurt fantails then please give the council or the department of conservation a warning about it because some native birds like fantails are coming instinct soon.

By Imani.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Juicy Red Tomato

I'm a juicy red tomato
and I've tumbled off the shelf
and I'm rolling out the co-op door
to the street, all by myself.
I've left the other fruit behind            5
but I feel no remorse.
There's more to life than waiting
to be blended into sauce
or chopped up for a pizza
or sliced to serve with ham                 10
or just sitting, going mouldy
fifty cents a kilogram.

No, no! Heigh ho for the open road
and the footpath, wild and free!
Where feet pass by                              15
'neath an open sky
and there are no other veggies but me!
You won't catch me in your casserole
or your pyrex baking dish.
I'm the vagabond tomato and Im...    20
by Fiona Farrell
Source: School Journal, Part 2, No. 4,
Learning Media Limited, 1993.
Song of the Vagabond Tomato
This task is about making inferences from a poem.
Read the poem and look at its illustration to answer the questions below.
a)   What is the meaning of the word "vagabond" from the title of the poem and line 20?
     (A)   A brand of tomatoes
     (B)   A careless character.
     (C)   A wandering rascal
     (D)   A scruffy character
b)   What does the tomato mean when he says, "I feel no remorse"? [line 6]
I think the tomato means he feels a little bit guilty for leaving his friends behind and escaping.
c)   Why do the tomatoes talked about in this poem end up costing "fifty cents a kilogram"? [line 12] The tomato talks about how the tomato feels lonely and because of it he thinks him and some of his friends will be worth 50 cents a kilo.   
d)   When the tomato says, "No, no!" what is he talking about? [line 13]
      When the tomato runs away he feels so free that he does not want to go back.
e)   What word is "'neath" short for? [line 16]
Maybe the tomato is trying to say something like beneath the open sky.
f)   What do the dots at the end of line 20 show?
It is an ellipsis, I think it means when there is something coming but you don’t want to say it yet, it is pretty much a pause it works kinda like a comma.   

Monday, February 8, 2016

All About Me

Do you have an interest in gymnastics? well I do, Hi my name is Imani and you will find more information and different facts like what my hobbies are and about my family and also about my past and future. oh and even maybe a sneak peek on some of my future plans.

Now that I have introduced myself I am now going to take you on a journey about my life first my hobbies I love gymnastics and you will probably hear in this story a lot about my gymnastics. also i have a thing about art drawing and sketching i could sit down and draw for hours and hours. okay so you are probably wondering if i have any other hobbies the answer is no although i like soccer but it is not my favourite hobbies.

Okay you are probably wanting to hear about my family well here you go, first my annoying little brother, Khyan okay let’s just admit that he was pretty cute when he was a baby. Next my Mum she is probably my favourite, this is not the only reason but one of the reasons she pays for me to do gymnastics by the way it is my favourite sport. Next is my dad I love him the same as my mum and my brother but he coaches me at home to learn skills for gymnastics sometimes it’s boring but it pays off.

Now my past, some facts about the younger me, when I was five I took gymnastics and then a week or two later I quit for the most ridiculous reason we were not allowed to go in the foam pit at it made me depressed so I quit and got back into doing it when I was 7 and I still do it now.
okay now for the second thing when I was born my uncle lived with us until my brother was born and he moved out and I got my own purple room.

So that was my all about me I hope you learnt at least one thing new about me that you did not know before. Thanks for listening. And also welcome to my Blog I hope you are going to enjoy reading and looking at all of my work I hope you can leave comments and give me feedback on how I can improve or change things.