Thursday, November 10, 2016

P.E In 2016

This Year I Participated In :
Netball - Netball I have played for three years now and I still enjoy playing it, I enjoyed the teams the most because I loved having the kids I played with in my team.

Volleyball - I've played volleyball for a few weeks and I loved it because I loved having a new place to play sport, the many pieces of tape on the court was a challenge to figure out what was the actual court tape.

Athletics - I disliked athletics because it was a challenge to get points for your house, I loved track the most because I loved being challenged to run.

Gymnastics - I went to the gymnastics festival, we had a challenge to be the best school at the festival and I don't know weather we were the best or not because there was no prize giving

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Bowline Knot

Opti Yacht

The boom is at the foot of the boat, it sits close to along the bottom of the boat and helps secure the sail.
It also helps hold the sail, it’s the straight up pole the holds it together. It’s connected to the Spirit pole and the boom.
Main Sheet
Is connected to the boom, it’s what you control the speed of the boat with.
The sail catches the wind, one of the main parts to the yacht and helps it to move.
The tiller is attached to the Rudder, It’s used to help control the boat.
Bungee Cord
Is used to hold the boom in place.
Rudder is used to steer a boat, ship or yacht.
Center Board
Center board holds the yacht steady, this controls how stable it is and if you didn’t have it on the yacht you would literally be wobbling everywhere.
Buoyancy Tanks
The Buoyancy tanks keep the whole yacht afloat, your boat will sink without them. You can’t actually see them.
Spirit Pole
The spirit pole is designed to hold the sail in place, if it wasn’t there the sail wouldn’t be able to stay out right.
The hull is the main part of the yacht, the part you sit in, without the hull you obviously wouldn’t be able to sit in the yacht.

Interview - Agony of defeat

Hello my name is Imani, I am going to be your interviewer for today, I am going to be interviewing someone from the college football team - Permian panthers, his name is Aiden Marone, reporting live at ABC news studio please welcome Aiden Marone to the studio.

Imani : What or who made you start playing football ?
Aiden : Well when I was in primary school we had a game after lunch one day and it was a game kind of related to football and I loved it so ever since then I’ve loved to play, when it was time for college I went into a team that represented texas and loved that so now I’m in the team that I’m in now, the Permian Panthers.

Imani : Explain to us who your biggest inspiration to play football is or how you got into the team you're in ?
Aiden : Well I didn’t really have an inspiration to start playing but once I got the hang of how to play I just practised more and more until I was ready to move on to a bigger and better team, it took me at least my years at Intermediate to actually play for a team and at college I got into this team.

Imani : What was your biggest fear of starting to play in a team who plays at the NFL championships ?
Aiden :  Umm… My biggest fear would probably have to be, when I decided to start playing back in primary school I was afraid I would break a bone or something when someone tackles me because on tv people like break legs and arms getting bowled over.
Imani : Okay next question…

Imani : How do you feel about your Dad coaching you at home as well as your older brother coaching the team ?
Aiden : Well I like and all but I feel sometimes as though I get the blame for most accidents because I’m the brother and he attends to blame more on me than other people, so I thinks it’s alright but that's the only downfall.

Imani : What does your mum think about this whole football family ?
Aiden : Well, she basically wants to go and get her nails done and spend money at the mall and women stuff with her friends so uh she’s really supportive and all but she would rather do things with friends instead of watch Dad coach me.

Imani :  How did you feel when your brother/coach gave you the ring ?
Aiden : I mean I felt like I did the best job I could, then getting the ring  made me feel, well I was speechless, I just didn’t know what to say, it was pretty awesome to get my brothers ring.

Imani : Alright awesome well that’s all the questions we have to ask you today so thank you so much for coming in and letting us ask you questions !
Aiden : That’s ok, my pleasure.
Imani : Once again give it up for Aiden Marone, what a superstar now back to you Mason.

Thursday, October 27, 2016


`WALT: Create a short story.
  • Your short story must be AT LEAST 4 paragraphs and also contain all of the 6 Game of Awesome cards the winner collected.
  • Remember your learning goal at the start of your writing.
  • Your has to have a beginning, middle and end.

Sentence Structure

As woke from my amazing dream, I saw Butch sitting on the edge of my bed, I started to sit up and he came and snuggled under my blankets, I gave him a hug and jumped out of bed. I put on my dino slippers and put on my school clothes.

I headed downstairs for breakfast, Taylor was sitting there eating some pancakes with whipped cream and mixed berries, mine were cooking. After breakfast we had to take the dogs for a walk as every morning they go for morning exercise, we have two dogs. After we got home from the walk Mum asked if I could take the dogs for a bath. By the time I was finished they were squeaky clean but running around the house with bubbles and water all over them. Mum declared they had to go back up to the bath tub to get dry, after they were dry mum made me clean the floors as they had wet dog all over them.

After all that we dropped Taylor at Hope’s house for a sleepover. When we got home me and mum sat on the couch wrapped up in blankets as if we were the fillings to the wraps that you eat for dinner, it’s pretty clear we aren’t dinner wraps although we may of looked a bit like that. Later in the evening as we had dinner what a coincidence we had wraps with salad, dressing and meat. To top that off Mum made me a banana smoothie with ice cream for dessert. We watched the news while eating dinner and as I had just finished my smoothie Dad had just gotten home from work. As we watched the news we heard that these people wanted to take over our country - that’s right our entire country ! Our prime minister stepped in and he became our hero, he literally saved our entire country from invasions and all kinds of different mysterious things. After my shower I got into my pajamas they were superman ones, although I’m 10 and  am almost 11 I still wear my superman jammies I’ve had them since I was 7 and although the shorts were almost too tight I kinda felt unstoppable.

The next day rolled over and I came downstairs and saw my mum, she was quite upset, I could tell but she didn’t show it, she is always very bubbly and happy, I have never seen her quite upset. I grabbed her hand, as always it was warm and soft, I lead her to the couch and told her to tell me why she is quite upset. She said that she always has to do all of the house work all the time by herself and she always has to do heaps of housework and feed the dogs, keep us healthy, make our lunches for school and I know where she is coming from and I decided to help her, she asked if I could take out the rubbish and I said sure. I just set it near the letterbox for the rubbish truck to pick it up. As I walked out I heard grumbling noises near the bushes out the front and I was embarrassed because Summer the prettiest girl in 5th grade walked past she flashed me with her blue eyes, her wavy brown hair and her olive skin, I looked like a coward, she said, “Hey Kayden,” but before I could say anything she carried on and kept walking down the street, I quickly put the rubbish out and ran back inside. Inside I realised it was Max the mean kid making those noises to embarrass me infront of her, I could tell it was a trap.

The next day at school she sat near me in the cafeteria and I gave her a little wave she winked at me, that very day I left a note in her locker asking if she wanted to come over and study for the science test coming up that friday she replied and said she already had a study partner, I felt disappointed. As we had dinner Dad switched on the news and there was an article about how there are very difficult people coming to try to take over the country as there was a debate about whether they could or how they would or what, The prime minister stepped in a became the hero.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

My Contraption

My contraption is called a water distillery and it desalinates water, the water could be dirty water or salt water. To make this work you will need a stove top or a gas stove top and set like a metal cup, pot or a kettle on top. Then you will need to before you set it on you need to connect a pipe from the top of the kettle and the other side of the pipe into a glass, cup or a water drum, make sure before you boil you are boiling the kettle at 100 degrees celsius.  

To make this you will need :

  • Pipe
  • Salt water
  • Water drum
  • Kettle or a pot
  • Stove top or a power point
  • And a surface for the water drum to sit, you could also use a cup or a paint tin, can or any type of material for the water to travel to.

Problems and Soloutions

Problem                                                               Solution

In Dubai there is a lot of water but most of it you can’t drink because of how dirty and polluted it is.
You can use sea water and boil or clean it so you can drink it, most of the time they use too much water to like water gardens and just things like that.
They have a problem with water like they don’t have enough to supply to everyone, they can supply it, they don’t have a lot of it to supply.
To prevent this Abu Dhabi has set up a groundwater monitoring system and recycling by irrigating lawns.
Before, groundwater was the only source of water supply. The water was very scarce and most of the aquifers are highly saline. (Sodium Chloride solution, like salt.)
Nearly a sixth of the world’s population is affected by water scarcity, that could grow to 1.8 billion by 2025, Dubai are using a minimum 500+ litres of water a day. I think maybe they could use water when it’s desperate and include sea water more.
More than 70% of water in Dubai goes to irrigation for agriculture, agriculture is a huge thing in middle eastern countries because they need to farm a lot of crops to keep enough food for when they run out.
Maybe they could cut down on farming a lot of crops but still farm but only farm so many paddocks of food and or crops. They could install a slow irrigator so they aren’t using so much water at once, that way they are using water but not a lot.

Water Scarcity In Dubai

I went to bed at 1:30am due to the new years countdown. As I got into bed I was lying there thinking what it would be like on new years day. I quickly remembered something, new years day, shoot I have my friends birthday sleepover I quickly jumped out of bed ran downstairs and grabbed a card from Mum’s office. As I lay in bed writing in the card with my dog Bentley, I could hear loud music and loud voices coming from the garage, There was still a party in the backyard. I had just finished the card when I heard Mum come upstairs, I quickly switched off my lamp put the card on my side table and went to sleep. By the time Mum got to my room I was sound asleep.

New years day rolled over and I woke from my awesome sleep, immediately I went to my bathroom and got in the shower. After about 5 minutes I could feel the shower getting colder and less water coming out. I quickly switched off the shower and headed over to the sink to brush my teeth, as I turned on the tap I found that there wasn’t much water coming out. So I brushed my teeth for about 1 minute, I didn’t want to waste any water. Finally it was time to go to the sleepover and I didn’t have a gift for her so I grabbed the card and my bag and got in the car and drove to her house.

It was sadly time to go back home and when I got there Mum and Dad were waiting for me in the living room, as I grabbed the door handle of the front door Mum and Dad were right there, I asked them what was wrong and they said we have no water, I was puzzled as to what had happened.

In Dubai there is not very much fresh and clean water but a lot of sea water. They could come up with a way to clean the water so they have more fresh water to, water the gardens, drink it, use a dishwasher, washing machine, take a shower, run a bath and things to keep you hygenic and so you can use it to cook and drink.

Dubai Paragraphs

Dubai is in Asia, It has a population of 2.503 Million people which is about half the amount of people who live here, in New Zealand. United Arab Emirates is another name for Dubai, They speak arabic and their currency is called Dirham. In Dubai they have a really famous tower called Burj Khalifa which is the arabic name for “Khalifa Tower” and is roughly 828 metres tall, which is over double the height of the Eiffel Tower.

Dubai is a very developed country, their climate ranges over 20-30 degrees celsius at night and 40-45 degrees in the day. Our highest temperature here in New Zealand is roughly around 42.4 degrees celsius which is the same as 108.3 degrees Fahrenheit. In Dubai they have many foods and restaurants like Mcdonald's and KFC but they sell different foods than what we sell. Dubai has many different menu’s and foods.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


My Goal: Sentence Structures Use simple and compound sentences with a variety of
We use water for lots of different things, to drink, wash the dishes, water the garden and more. Water is very limited at some places like farms. When you live in the country there is a tank of water that is limited, they need to save water for when they actually need it. They can save it by not running the tap when they brush their teeth, Having short showers instead of taking a bath. Dehydrated If you don’t drink enough water you can get dehydrated which can lead to you getting really grumpy and tired. There are a variety of effects that come off dehydration, your blood can thicken and causing a battle for blood flow, it can also effect your organs which can lead to kidney stones. Dehydration usually is caused when you don’t drink enough water, you should have 8-9 cups of water a day. The average human body should be 75% water. Irrigation Firstly, what is irrigation, irrigation is a way of supplying water to plants or crops. The irrigation system is basically a giant sprinkler that sprays water or fertilizer on crops. Irrigation systems water a bigger area than a regular sprinkler. An irrigator spreads water evenly over the crops so they grow, so we have food to eat.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

My Paragraphs For Our Presentation

A healthy diet prevents diabetes, heart disease and various types of cancer. 1 out of 10 cancers can be linked to diets that can help our body. Healthy diets maintain weight, improves mood, helps you look younger and helps you live longer “It’s your choice.”
Firstly the digestive system includes : Mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, liver, pancreas, gall bladder and anus. Esophagus-connects the throat to the stomach. Pancreas-a large gland behind the stomach. Cells organize and form tissues that organize and form organs. Without nutrients cells can die or fail to function like they should. Your body needs antioxidants to function properly.
Secondly junk food is an example of a bad diet or what not to eat. Junk food is processed junk, the way you can tell it’s processed is that it's packaged food. Junk food slows down the digestion when you eat it, it makes the stomach swollen Your food absorbs by the intestine which needs fiber and water to separate.
You need to check what’s in season because some foods could be horribly out of season and I could upset your digestive system if you eat foods that are out of season.  
So now you’ll understand about the differences between an unhealthy and healthy diet is, it may be scary for you but it all adds up at the end. Just remember that some healthy diets can prevent you from getting different diseases like heart disease, various types of cancers and diabetes.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Plan for Project

What can diets do to our eating system ?

  • Why is a diet a diet ?
  • How do diets help us ?
  • What’s so important about a diet that is so important for our body ?
  • What things are good to have in a diet ?
We are making a slideshow and printing out the slides so we can stick it on a poster board.
WOW factor gives us 10 extra points.
We need to figure out what tools we need to use for our presentation like,
Poster board, colourful pens/felts/pencils, slides to print, we need to have something that will give us the wow factor, sticky notes,
We need to keep notes of what we eat.
So that we can take a picture of it and put it on the presentation board.
No-Sugar Diet Wk 8.
Are diets good or bad for you?
It depends what kind of diet you're having. Some are good and some the opposite.
What an diets help us with?
Diets help you have a smaller chance at having heart disease, cancer and other diseases. They help us with lots of things like weight and just even if you want to eat healthy.
What are different types of diets are there?
There are:
- Vegetarian Diets
- Detox Diets
- Weight Control Diets
And way more!
What is a diet?
A diet is when you go off normal food for a period of time and (above) choose your diet, then you only have that source of food for that time e.g. if you had a no-sugar diet for 7 days you would eat no sugar for a week!
What diets make you most hungry?
I would say mostly detox diets because they give you only 1 source of food like if you have a lemon detox that would mean that you would only drink lemon juice for a week or so. That's why that makes you hungry because you have no food for that particular diets
Be Healthy Diet Week 8
Breakfast: Weetbix with no sugar.
Brain Food: Apple or Raspberries
Morning Tea: Healthy Smoothie or yoghurt
Lunch: Tomato, Basil, Mozzarella Pita Pocket.
Dinner: Whatever our family eats - but it has to be healthy.
Dessert: Fruit Salad
These are just ideas.
Are there diets that affect our eating system?

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Pursuasive Writing

My Focus: (Sentence Formation) Use simple and compound sentences with a variety of
Are you a couch potato well know for a fact that i’m not, i’m just too active for that, I do lots of different types of things to keep active like sport. I eat healthy (well most of the time), I have a very good appetite and I always eat big dinners I drink loads of water. I am pretty active I reckon more active than my parents were at the age that I am at now.

I play more sports than my parents did when they were at my age because I do lots like Gymnastics, Netball and I do PAL’s as well. I used to do way more than what I do now. I really enjoy these sports because it allows me to get more fit by running and reffing games in PAL’s. Running around in gymnastics is fun and doing 50 chest passes in netball. I just love sport and try to make it to every event so I can participate.

I eat healthy (Well most of the time) My parents also ate round about the same amount of nutritious food as what I am eating at the moment. I eat healthy food to absorb the nutrients and to keep active for when I get older. Nutrients is just like fibre lots of fruit and vegetables have nutrients inside it and I try to keep down on dairy food like cheese. My parents and I eat around the same amount of nutritious foods, I think Mum  ate just maybe a little healthier because every night she had like meat and vegetables when she was younger, they were not allowed to leave the table unless all there food was gone.

I drink roughly about the same amount of water as my parents did. As a sporty family we like to keep up the fluids. We love to play sports and now that we have my uncle living with us we love to play rugby. Me and my Mum we do shots at the netball goal at home and I practise gymnastics everywhere I can. I drink water to keep up with the sports I do and as in gymnastics I just recently moved up to level 5. Without keeping hydrated it makes me feel really sick, down and grumpy. I found out that 55% of the average human body should be water. You always sweat when you exercise the sweat is released water from your body so if you sweat too much you will get dehydrated.

Were you or your parents more active when they were your age, well that’s up to you to figure out. I definitely think that I was more active just because I keep up with my sport.
By Imani

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Little White Lies

Too terrified to look. Too afraid to peep. As I heard noises coming from that hole the builders made in our kitchen wall.  As I crept down the dark gloomy hallway I saw the staircase getting bigger and bigger as I got closer. I tiptoed down the stairs, I was scared that it would be a monster but I knew it wasn’t. There was a feeling inside me that reached into my brain and took every emotion except fear. I’m not a little kid any more, I have to be brave.

I snuck into the light and it was just my cat Candy, it was making weird noises scratching at the cover dad put over the hole. I saw the mess and saw all the bubbles from the dish soap flying everywhere from mum doing the dishes. “Mum, I heard a monster!”
“Come on Dan, it was just the insinkerator we were putting the food scraps from supper in the disposal.” I thought to myself it was just the disposal how was I afraid of that.

As I carried Candy back upstairs I heard Mum coming up stairs to tuck me up in bed again, I held Candy tighter as Mum left the room. Mum was in her bathrobe and I knew that that would be the case of her about to get in the shower.  As I drifted off to sleep I thought, “Tomorrow will be annoying because of the incident that happened last week at school…”  The morning came.   I woke up, got up, opened my curtains, put my bathrobe on and headed downstairs for breakfast. The cupboard creeked open as I turned the light on in the pantry and grabbed my fruit loops off the shelf. I sat at the kitchen counter and ate my breakfast. Before I knew it I was at school, I had to take the bus today because mum had an appointment at the salon for her hair.

As I walked through the gates to my school I had that memory of last night going through my head. The mean kid Jerry was standing right next to the gate and it looked like he was waiting for me. He was standing right next to the trash, there were flies all over him. It looked like he went dumpster diving. In class I could not stop thinking about the noises of last night they just seemed scarier than Candy scratching at the cover, “I have to go home and put Candy outside before she makes me scared again. So I raced home it felt like I got there faster than a heartbeat. Anyway I got back to class I was so late it was morning tea break…

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Contempoary Craft Class.

I was over the moon when I went to a craft class called contemporary craft because I was excited that I got the chance to go. There were loads of people I did not know but eventually talked to them and became friends. It was here at the frimley school hall. I met a girl named Hannah she was very sweet she also did not know anyone, so it was perfect for everyone to help each other out and talk so that there would not be any lonely people. On the second day there were only girls and about two or three boys but on the first day there were about five or six boys. I enjoyed day one the most even though I stuffed up a few times.

Guess what my favourite thing at craft was… It was painting a canvas we each had to choose a canvas to paint and then choose the background colour my background was a paint called sugar and spice it was a sparkly darkish pink from resene. I chose to paint the background first because it was the easiest option. Then we chose our shape and the colours after I had a whole bunch of different shades of green for the leaves and for the body it was purple and blue (the purple and blue was also sparkly)can you guess what it was it was a pineapple not a yellow pineapple a funky geometric pineapple.

After that we moved on to key chains we rotated round table to succeed every activity. We painted these little wood beads and I chose a sparkly blue and a peach colour for the beads we hand painted each bead with tiny nail polish brushes. After you painted and dried them you put them on a key chain. I made three of the key chains. After we made them we moved on to the 3D fruits I did not get enough time to do the fruits so I helped tidy up.

I thought it was really fun from the experience that I had because we got to paint things from cups to canvases to plates and much more. I was a little frustrated because one of my porcelains did not turn out as perfect as I was hoping. I hope next time I can do the 3D lettering to hang above your bed on your wall I was sad I missed out. I enjoyed it and I hope I can do it again in the next school holidays because it was really enjoyable to go to considering I love arts and craft.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Dear Miss Harding

Frimley School
Frimley Road,

Dear Miss Harding,
I am writing to thank you for organizing camp with Mrs Roil and the parents to make the trip possible. So if it weren’t for you or Mrs Roil or the school we probably would not be going, Camp wakarara was great I really liked having all the parents and you and Mrs Roil there to encourage us to try and do new things. For an example you encouraged most of us to walk up Sunrise Hut, so once again thank you so much.

You helped us when we played games and you helped us by giving examples when things get difficult so we can understand better. When a few of us did not eat all our dinner you told us we did a pretty good job and still let us through to pudding. I liked having you on camp you made it the slight more fun than it probably was going to be without you there.

It made me learn more about people and their personality I think that was the best thing for me because when Mrs Roil asks us to work in pairs that taught me you don’t always have to work with your friends, you can work with other people because you know what they are capable of doing. Okay so my most favourite part was bushwhacking because you get to tramp of track and it was so stinky because we had to go fifty five degrees through a swamp and it was horrible I was nervous but you know what everyone gets nervous on camp.

Camp made a huge difference for me even though I went last year it was still a different experience because last year we went to kaitawa. Kaitawa there was a lot of pranks it made a whole lot of us scared to go to bed. Once again thank you for making this camp possible I know it was not all you but I am still thanking you for organizing camp this year.
Yours Sincerely,
Imani Hollis

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Fantails are a wonderful bird to be around. If you are in the bush and it comes up to you it means fantails think people are harmless characters. In fact that is a true fact about the bird it does actually think humans are a harmless character. Read more about fantails here. “Fantail” in Maori is Piwakawaka incase you see it in my story and wonder what it means.

A Fantail/Piwakawaka lives in multiple places, for an example in public gardens and native park reserves. The Piwakawaka lives in New Zealand and it is very common here in nz and also offshore islands. They are such a beautiful bird and it is known for its fan shaped tail that is how fantails got its name ”Fantail.”They are brown and have a black and white tail feathers that open like a fan when they fly. The reason why they have a fan shaped tail it is because it then allows them to do aerial acrobatics.

It uses it’s broad tail to change direction quickly while it hunts for food in the forest.
sometimes the fantail will hop under the leaf to get insects for its prey, it’s prey includes moths, flies, spiders, wasps and beetles also fruit maybe even more. They seldom feed off of the ground. (Seldom-Occasionally)

Both adult female and male fantails incubate their eggs for up to 14 days at the most and the chicks fledge at about 13 days. A female can lay 2-5 eggs per clutch and juvenile males can breed between 2-9 months old. Juvenile meaning like junior or young. And clutch is when baby fantails grow fast. Both female and male can feed the chicks the male could go out to find more food while the female feeds or maybe even  other way around.

The Piwakawaka lifespan is quite short in New Zealand the longest fantail ever lived in New Zealand was recorded for 3 years and in Australia it was about 10 years that is a really long time for a small bird like a fantail. The scientific name for a fantail is Rhipidura Fuliginosa. They stay in pairs for a while and then go off on their own for the rest of their life. Females can lay as many as 5 clutches per session, each clutch has 2-5 eggs per clutch.

Cats, Rats, Stoats, Mynas and more are the biggest threats to fantails Mynas are probably the biggest threats because they are one of the biggest enemies to a fantail.  Mynas are also a threat to any other small native birds. Rats can stretch to fantails nests to eat their eggs as rats can eat anything in the world even wood.

Conclusion so please go outside in the outdoors and admire the fantails and other native birds, but don’t do anything to harm them and also if you see any pests that hurt fantails then please give the council or the department of conservation a warning about it because some native birds like fantails are coming instinct soon.

By Imani.